How to change the look&feel of the user confirmation webpage

As mentioned in the admin app readme, the UI is fully skinnable with Bootswatch. This section of the readme outlines how to apply a new Bootswatch theme.

All of the web assets used in serving up the DreamFactory admin console, as well as the user registration and confirmation screen, are found in the /platform/web directory wherever you installed your instance. They are all open source and freely editable. You may find browsing the content on our GitHub repository useful if you are having trouble exploring the details in your own filesystem.

For instance, here is the user confirmation page you would edit to your liking.

You may also change the URL path by editing /platform/config/constants.config.php.

Near the end of the file,

const DEFAULT_ADMIN_APP_PATH = '/dreamfactory/dist';

If you want to change this to, for example, /myapp just edit this value:

const DEFAULT_ADMIN_APP_PATH = '/myapp';

Then copy the dist folder to the root of the /web folder so the filesystem reflects the new path:

cp -r web/dreamfactory/dist web/myapp

You may need to restart Apache and/or clear your DreamFactory platform cache (rm -rf /platform/storage/.private/.cache) to ensure the new configuration takes effect.