Importing virtual relationships while using SQLite or MySql

I am using an SQLite database, mostly because that is what the project started with, however I am willing to move it over to a MySQL database, which I probably will in the future for the better features.

I am trying to transfer virtual relationships using the json schema upload/modify tools.

When I create a new table with the upload, and I pass in a table schema with the relationship description afterwards, the table is created but the relationships are not brought in. If I then try to modify the json schema in the dreamfactory tools, and the press save, it says I can’t alter in sqlite, but if I do it using MYSQL it says:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (bitnami_dreamfactory.db_virtual_relationship, CONSTRAINT db_virtual_relationship_ref_service_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (ref_service_id) REFERENCES service (id) ON DELETE CASCADE) (SQL: insert into db_virtual_relationship (type, service_id, table, field, ref_service_id, ref_table, ref_field, junction_service_id, junction_table, junction_field, junction_ref_field, ref_on_update, ref_on_delete, last_modified_date, created_date) values (has_many, 8, loans, loan_id, 10, Collateral, loan_id, , , , , , , 2017-03-02 17:19:42, 2017-03-02 17:19:42))

It looks like it is trying to (in both sqlite and mysql) insert the relationships, but all I want it to do is have dreamfactory remember the virtual relationships, just like it does when i successfully create them manually. What am I supposed to do so I don’t have to go through an entire list of relationships and re-create them every time I want to move to a different location for local testing?

Here is an example json schema:

  "alias": null,
  "name": "loans",
  "label": "Loans",
  "description": null,
  "native": [],
  "plural": "Loans",
  "is_view": false,
  "primary_key": "loan_id",
  "name_field": null,
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  "alias": null,
  "name": "loan_id",
  "label": "Loan Id",
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  "native": [],
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  "precision": null,
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  "ref_table": null,
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  "ref_on_update": null,
  "ref_on_delete": null,
  "picklist": null,
  "validation": null,
  "db_function": null,
  "is_virtual": false,
  "is_aggregate": false
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  "is_virtual": false,
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  "related": [
			"alias": null,
			"name": "clients_by_client_id",
			"label": "Clients By Client Id",
			"description": null,
			"native": [],
			"type": "belongs_to",
			"field": "client_id",
			"is_virtual": true,
			"ref_service_id": 10,
			"ref_table": "clients",
			"ref_field": "client_id",
			"ref_on_update": null,
			"ref_on_delete": null,
			"junction_service_id": null,
			"junction_table": null,
			"junction_field": null,
			"junction_ref_field": null,
			"always_fetch": false,
			"flatten": false,
			"flatten_drop_prefix": false
  "access": 31

Edit: Also, I have tried using the normal import and export tools in dreamfactory for the service and database, and it also does not bring through the virtual relationships.