No record found in the request

Here is my table structure for Users

   Name	 Alias	Type	Required
APIKey		        text	false
Email		        text	false
FirstName		string	false
HeightCm		integer	false
id		                id	        false
LastName		string	false
PasswordHash		text	false
username		string	false
WeightKg		integer	false 

I am trying to insert with the following JSON request -

{ Username: ‘asasas’,
FirstName: ‘sasasasa’,
LastName: ‘asasasas’,
Email: ‘’,
PasswordHash: ‘1234’ }

But getting back an error :

{“error”:{“context”:null,“message”:“No record(s) detected in request.”,“code”:400,“trace”:[“0 [internal function]: DreamFactory\Core\Resources\BaseDbTableResource->handlePost()”,“1 /Applications/dreamfactory-2.1.2-1/apps/dreamfactory/htdocs/vendor/dreamfactory/df-core/src/Components/RestHandler.php(267): call_user_func(Array)”,"2 /Applications/dreamfactory-2.1.2-1/ap…

You can’t POST a single record. You have to use the ‘resource’ array wrapper.

	"resource": [{
		"Username": "asasas",
		"FirstName": "sasasasa",
		"LastName": "asasasas",
		"Email": "",
		"PasswordHash": "1234"
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