Ubuntu 11.04 Can't access to admin console after installation


I’ve installed dreamfactory on the ubuntu 11.04 using instruction on this page https://github.com/dreamfactorysoftware/dsp-core/wiki/Install-Debian-Ubuntu.

After installation I created account, and I logged to this account.
Next dreamfactory show me page with Product Support.

No matter if I click on yes or no dreamfatory remain on this page.

I can’t get access to the admin console.

My log:
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][INFO ] Building Swagger cache
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 17 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 82 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 73 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 1 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 30 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][INFO ] * No Swagger content found for service “portal”
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][INFO ] Swagger cache build process complete
[2014-12-16 15:31:34][app][DEBUG ] Dispatcher: event “swagger.cache_rebuilt” triggered by /system/config
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][ERROR ] Error retrieving DSP versions from GitHub: 0
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #401 > There is no valid session for the current request. {“host”:“localhost”,“request_uri”:"/rest/system/config?app_name=launchpad",“source_ip”:“192.168.xxx.xxx”,“sapi_name”:“apache2handler”}
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][INFO ] Building Swagger cache
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 17 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 82 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 73 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 1 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 30 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][INFO ] * No Swagger content found for service “portal”
[2014-12-16 15:31:35][app][INFO ] Swagger cache build process complete
[2014-12-16 15:31:36][app][DEBUG ] Dispatcher: event “swagger.cache_rebuilt” triggered by /user/session
[2014-12-16 15:31:36][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #401 > There is no valid session for the current request. {“host”:“localhost”,“request_uri”:"/rest/user/session?app_name=launchpad",“source_ip”:“192.168.xxx.xxx”,“sapi_name”:“apache2handler”}
[2014-12-16 15:31:49][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #404 > Service not found {“host”:“localhost”,“request_uri”:"/web/info.php",“source_ip”:“192.168.xxx.xxx”,“sapi_name”:“apache2handler”}
[2014-12-16 15:31:49][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #500 > Failed to launch service “web”: Service not found {“host”:“localhost”,“request_uri”:"/web/info.php",“source_ip”:“192.168.xxx.xxx”,“sapi_name”:“apache2handler”}
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][INFO ] Building Swagger cache
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 17 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 82 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 73 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 1 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 30 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][INFO ] * No Swagger content found for service “portal”
[2014-12-16 15:32:09][app][INFO ] Swagger cache build process complete
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][DEBUG ] Dispatcher: event “swagger.cache_rebuilt” triggered by /system/config
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][INFO ] Building Swagger cache
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 17 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 82 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 73 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 1 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][DEBUG ] * Discovered 30 event(s).
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][INFO ] * No Swagger content found for service “portal”
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][INFO ] Swagger cache build process complete
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][DEBUG ] Dispatcher: event “swagger.cache_rebuilt” triggered by /user/session
[2014-12-16 15:32:10][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #401 > There is no valid session for the current request. {“host”:“localhost”,“request_uri”:"/rest/user/session?app_name=launchpad",“source_ip”:“192.168.xxx.xxx”,“sapi_name”:“apache2handler”}
[2014-12-16 15:34:48][app][INFO ] Platform local user auth (via password): xxxx@xxxxx.com
[2014-12-16 15:34:48][app][DEBUG ] Unregistered, non-hosted DSP detected.
[2014-12-16 15:34:50][app][DEBUG ] Unregistered, non-hosted DSP detected.
[2014-12-16 15:34:51][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #500 > Unexpected response from registration server {“host”:“localhost”,“request_uri”:"/",“source_ip”:“192.168.xxx.xxx”,“sapi_name”:“apache2handler”}
[2014-12-16 15:34:51][app][ERROR ] Exception while posting DSP registration: Unexpected response from registration server
[2014-12-16 15:34:51][app][DEBUG ] Unregistered, non-hosted DSP detected.

Do you have any idea, where the problem is?

Hi @rafal, this is due to the Product Support page not being able to upload your response to our registration server. Please see this post for the resolution.