(Somewhat) short answer:
- You’d add a field to the todo table which references the user id (the DSP will automatically store the user ID of the user creating the record).
- When your app makes a GET call to the todo table, you pass in the logged in user id as a filter parameter in the query to the todo table (you can get the user id from the /user api on login and store the id as a variable or make a method in your app that fetches the user id on demand at runtime).
- To ensure that other logged in users can’t create, read, update, or delete other users’ records, you should also add a service permission to the role (e.g. if you called your field ‘owner’ in the todo table, in service permissions in roles you could specify ‘owner’ = {user_id} as a security filter rule.
I’ll try to post a few code examples when I have time…