How would I manage (in the DSP), every user has his/her own Todo-List?

(Somewhat) short answer:

  1. You’d add a field to the todo table which references the user id (the DSP will automatically store the user ID of the user creating the record).
  2. When your app makes a GET call to the todo table, you pass in the logged in user id as a filter parameter in the query to the todo table (you can get the user id from the /user api on login and store the id as a variable or make a method in your app that fetches the user id on demand at runtime).
  3. To ensure that other logged in users can’t create, read, update, or delete other users’ records, you should also add a service permission to the role (e.g. if you called your field ‘owner’ in the todo table, in service permissions in roles you could specify ‘owner’ = {user_id} as a security filter rule.

I’ll try to post a few code examples when I have time…