500 Error (Python script)

Hello all,

I am having some issues with a script:

import bunch

# set up headers
options = {}
options['headers'] = {}
options['headers']['X-DreamFactory-Api-Key'] = platform.session.api_key
options['headers']['X-DreamFactory-Session-Token'] = platform.session.session_token
# get records using internal URL; call api.get on the user session that was just 
# created (this script will only work in post process!)

url = 'user/session'
result = platform.api.get(url)
data = result.read()

jsonData = bunchify(json.loads(data))

if 'error' in jsonData:
	raise ValueError(jsonData.error.message)
# save the data from api.get on user/session to local variables
UserId = str(jsonData.id)
Firstname = jsonData.first_name
Lastname = jsonData.last_name
DisplayName = jsonData.name
Email = jsonData.email

# create a simple json object that will be inserted into the custom user data table
post_data = '{"resource": [{"user_oid": ' + UserId + ',"first_name": "' + Firstname + '","last_name": "' + Lastname + '","display_name": "' + DisplayName + '","email_address": "' + Email + '","created_date": "' + '2017-01-01' + '"}]}'

# create a record using internal URL; call api.post with the post data that was built above, data will
#  be posted to custom dim_user table

url = 'aws/_table/dim_users?fields=*&id_field=user_oid'
result = platform.api.post(url, post_data)

data = result.read()

jsonData = bunchify(json.loads(data))

if 'error' in jsonData:
	raise ValueError(jsonData.error.message)
elif 'resource' not in jsonData or len(jsonData.resource) != 1:
	raise ValueError('Unexpected response from url = ' + url)
print "fini"

It never reaches the end of the script, when I check the logs I see:

[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: [REQUEST] {"Parameters":"{\"login\":\"true\",\"id_field\":\"user_oid\"}","API Key":"xxx","JWT":null}
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: user.register.post.pre_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: user.register.post.post_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: script token: 58e4d791529e7
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: script token cache: Array
    [app_id] => 4
    [user_id] => 36

[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.INFO: [REQUEST] {"API Version":"2.0","Method":"GET","Service":"user","Resource":"session"}
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: [REQUEST] {"Parameters":"[]","API Key":null,"JWT":null}
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: user.session.get.pre_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: user.session.get.post_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: user.session.get.queued
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.INFO: [RESPONSE] {"Status Code":200,"Content-Type":"application/json"}
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: script token: 58e4d791529e7
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: script token cache: Array
    [app_id] => 4
    [user_id] => 36

[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.INFO: [REQUEST] {"API Version":"2.0","Method":"POST","Service":"aws","Resource":"_table/dim_users"}
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: [REQUEST] {"Parameters":"{\"fields\":\"*\",\"id_field\":\"user_oid\"}","API Key":null,"JWT":null}
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: evvntlyaws._table.{table_name}.post.pre_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: evvntlyaws._table.dim_users.post.pre_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: evvntlyaws._table.{table_name}.post.post_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: evvntlyaws._table.dim_users.post.post_process
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: evvntlyaws._table.{table_name}.post.queued
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: evvntlyaws._table.dim_users.post.queued
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.INFO: [RESPONSE] {"Status Code":500,"Content-Type":"application/json"}
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.INFO: Script 'user.register.post.post_process' output:

{"resource": [{"user_id": 36,"first_name": "test","last_name": "user40","display_name": "test user40","email_address": "test40@junkmail.com","created_date": "2017-01-01"}]}

[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.DEBUG: API event handled: user.register.post.queued
[2017-04-05 11:40:01] local.INFO: [RESPONSE] {"Status Code":200,"Content-Type":"application/json"}

I see that the there is an error 500 from the post to the aws table. If i take the POST output that I’m printing and use it in API docs then it inserts without an issue. I can’t figure out how to find what the 500 error is from a Python script, and can’t see anything that should cause an issue in the script?

Any help is appreciated

Can you post your user rights configuration for the app which is creating a user?

Thanks, but it is all sorted now. Strangely just adding a / to the start of the URL variable fixed it