Hi there,
I’m trying to connect to the Nike Running API to get my stats.
For example: https://api.nike.com/me/sport?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Here is the site with their documentation:
I already have the access_token parameter and I can get the response if I type that into a browser, but I’m sure I’m just missing a simple step in my service configuration but if anyone can give me a few pointers to head in the right direction that’d be great!
What’s the response from the external API? How have you configured your base URL and other settings? What’s logged in your DreamFactory log when the call fails?
Hi there,
I tried following the blog post here to get it to work but the blog is outdated and I don’t know how to set up the “config” and “Service definition” tabs?
I have the base URL for the api but I don’t konw what I’m supposed to add for the Resource Path and APIs, Models and Authroizations sections??
Any ideas?
I don’t know how to check my the DreamFactory log and at the moment in Swagger I just see the service name but nothing happens when I try to expand it?