First i will explain what i need in DSP. After that i will explain the problem which i am facing.
I want to create a user registration form my back end is DSP and front end is Angular,
My open Registration options is enabled in DSP, Initially when registering a user with the URL “https://.cloud.dreamfactory.com:443/rest/user/register” The user’s Conformation column and Active Column should be set to FALSE. After the Success Registration i need to send a E-Mail with my custom URL to the mail ID (NOTE : i like to have the activation code in URL itself ).
The user should redirect to my website after clicking the URL in mail (NOT TO DREAM FACTORY WEBSITE). from there i should retrieve the activation code from the URL and generate a POST request from angular to make the Active Column and Conformation column to SET TRUE.
Now i will explain the problem i am facing.
I created the POST request to register user with URL
‘display_name’ : NAME,
‘email’ : EMAIL,
‘first_name’ : FIRST NAME,
‘last_name’ : LAST NAME,
‘new_password’ : PASSWORD,
‘is_active’ : false,
‘confirmed’ : false
but “is_active” and “confirmed” column is not setting to false. its still TRUE in DSP admin panel. I don’t know why.
After this
It will be helpful for me if anyone explain how to generate a activation code and pass it through URL and receive in Angular… After that How to post request to DSP and make that particular user Active and Confirmed.
Thanks in Advance.