Failed to create a new user: The table "df_sys_user" for active record class "DreamFactory\Platform\Yii\Models\User" cannot be found in the database.
I get the above error on startup. The only table that exists currently on the db is df_sys_cache
. How can I re-initialise the database?
[2014-12-14 11:58:06][app][ERROR ] * System error querying admin activated state.
[2014-12-14 11:58:06][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #400 > Failed to create a new user: The table "df_sys_user" for active record class "DreamFactory\Platform\Yii\Models\User" cannot be found in the database. {"host":"localhost","request_uri":"/mercdream/web/","source_ip":"","sapi_name":"apache2handler"}