I am successfully using DF in my ionic app, although it took a while.
Have you defined the constants:
angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ngDreamFactory'])
.constant('DSP_URL', 'https://your-df-url.com')
.constant('DSP_API_KEY', 'your-app-API-name')
Also, i had problems with DF not being ready. So I had to do this in the controller:
.controller('AppCtrl', ['$scope', '$sce', 'DreamFactory', function($scope, $sce, DreamFactory) {
$scope.init = function () {
if (DreamFactory.isReady()) {
$scope.$on('api:ready', function (e) {
// GET content from Dream factory now
$scope.$on('doDF', function () {
//success function
function(result) {
//error function
function(error) {
Obviously you need to have it set up correctly in DF as well. It took some fiddling for me but got it eventually and its so easy once its set up!!