Laravel remote web service caching: Whoops, looks like something went wrong

I turn on caching and I get “Whoops, looks like something went wrong.”

I turn off caching and there is no issue.

I turn back on caching and get the Laravel message.

DreamFactory Version: 2.1.1 on OpenShift

Is there a cache directory permissions issue?

Any other ideas?

In php-error.log, I get:

[20-Apr-2016 21:42:19 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function toArray() on a non-object in /var/lib/openshift/5713c9960c1e66966d00015b/app-root/runtime/repo/df/vendor/dreamfactory/df-core/src/Handlers/Events/ServiceEventHandler.php on line 149

Would need to bump this up.

On the config tab, what df version and admin version do you have?
I’m having trouble getting my openshift cartridge to run properly.

Thanks for checking on this!

Admin Application Version: 2.1.5

DreamFactory Version: 2.1.1

The previous versions of the OpenShift cartridge had some configuration issues. We have updated the cartridge, which I used to create a new open shift app this morning. It has the latest code base as well (2.1.2)

Caching on RWS confirmed working.