MongoDB Service Exception

From Mongo HQ

To connect using the shell:
mongo -u <dbuser> -p <dbpassword>
To connect using a driver via the standard URI (what's this?):

Here is my connecting from the shell;

[~/Development]$ /data/bin/mongo -u dsp -p password
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to:
Error while trying to show server startup warnings: not authorized on admin to execute command { getLog:    "startupWarnings" }
> use enron_1
switched to db enron_1
> show collections

Here is my Bitnami DSP service config;

Service Type : NoSQL DB
API Name : MongoLab
Name : MongoLab
Description : Mongo Enron Dataset
Active : Check
NoSQL Vendor : MongoDB 
Connection String :  mongodb://
Database Name :  enron_1
Username : dsp
Password : password
Connect with SSL (PHP driver and MongoDB server must support SSL) (Not Checked)

Are there any recomendations like connection string format, or mongo settings that need to be done?