POST requests without a resource are not currently supported by the '_table' service

I’m send this POST with Remote MySQL DB call:


Content-Type: application/json
But receiving this response:

message: POST requests without a resource are not currently supported by the ‘_table’ service.
code: 400

am I missing something?

Thank you guys!


Why are you posting, if you don’t (want) POST? What is your goal?



Content-Type: application/json
But receiving this response:

message: POST requests without a resource are not currently supported by the ‘_table’ service.
code: 400

What is mean by this error ?

I have insatll dreamFactory in 10.X.X.12 sever (Private IP). when i call this url ' in dreamFactory API Docs option . It give data correctly but when i call this API publicly through CURL in PHP through PUBLIC IP . I have also set API KEY and Session token also programmatically to call dreamFactory URL ('

I want your valuable support to resolve this Issue .

Thank you guys!

This means, that you must provide resource while POSTing, like described in tutorial:

You don’t explain, what you REALLY want to do, just asking about POSTing. But, do you really need POST?

