It would be AWESOME if we all shared service definitions for common APIs that many may consume. Making a Web Service Service Definition is kind of a PITA. It would be great to copy and paste them for services like gMail, Quickbooks, etc. It would effectively turn DreamFactory into a free, open source Zapier!
Does anybody else feel the same way? Is there already something like this out there?
I don’t really care too much about the format, like I mentioned copy+paste is fine. But wouldn’t it be cool if it was like NPM or github? Click to add one of 100’s of APIs?
Maybe a good way to bootstrap something would be a forum thread of service definitions. Anybody want to volunteer one?
Adding @Jess to the thread. A simple idea to get the ball rolling is to just add a new thread to the remote web services category, where folks can share web service JSON definitions. If that takes off we could create a public GitHub repo to make these publicly available outside of the forum. The JSON definitions are just Swagger files, so could be helpful to anyone using Swagger as well.