I am attempting to create email templates via the REST API (instead of the system GUI) with the thought that I would allow administrators to do so from inside the application I am building
I have made extensive efforts with both custom code/http requests as well as trying to create the templates via the swagger API doc explorer - all to no avail
Every time I try it gives me a 500 error - seemingly related to a failure to correctly handle the conversion of the TO array components (NAME and EMAIL) into strings for storage
To be clear, I am able to create the templates in the GUI, as well as being able to retrieve them via the REST API - though I have had spotty results on updates as well
Has anyone else been able to (can anyone else now) successfully use the REST API to create a template and if so what version are you on - I believe I have the newest version but here is the info JIC
Database Version: 1.9.0
DreamFactory Services Platform Version: 1.9.4
Admin Application Version: 1.0.12
Thanks a bunch
Tested this in the current version (DreamFactory 2.0) and I don’t see an issue.
POST /api/v2/system/email_template
[ {
"name":"Template of Doom",
"description":"The last good template",
"subject":"Choose wisely",
"body_html":"Don't call me Junior!",
} ]
{ "resource": [ { "id": 7 } ] }
Went back to a 1.9.4 instance and tried the same. Works just like this:
POST /rest/system/email_template
[ {
"name":"Template of Doom",
"description":"The last good template",
"subject":"Choose wisely",
"body_html":"Don't call me Junior!",
} ]
{ "resource": [ { "id": 5 } ] }
What’s the content of your payload? There must be something specific to your process that’s causing different behavior.
The difference in my payload was that I was attempting to use the [EmailAddress] array for the “to” key as stated in the API doc examples (both with and without the “name” key)
I changed your payload example to use “to”:[{“email”:“user@domain.com”}] and it failed with the same error I was receiving before - an issue converting the array contents to a string
I have been able to successfully add templates with multiple addresses using just “to”:“address1,address2,etc” - which is fine for me and most helpful (thanks) - but will also add that it bombs if you have spaces between the addresses
In the end, its not perfect, but it will work for now
I should also note that the same issue also applies to the “cc” and “bcc” as wells as the “from” and “reply_to” when attempting to use the array of email addresses as stated in the API Docs
for reference
to (array[EmailAddress], optional): Single or multiple receiver addresses.,
cc (array[EmailAddress], optional): Optional CC receiver addresses.,
bcc (array[EmailAddress], optional): Optional BCC receiver addresses.,
from (EmailAddress, optional): Required sender name and email.,
reply_to (EmailAddress, optional): Optional reply to name and email.,
EmailAddress {
name (string, optional): Optional name displayed along with the email address.,
email (string, optional): Required email address.
Thank you for clarifying that you’re using an array of addresses and names! This is definitely broken. I am testing further and will report this to the dev team.
Confirmed this behavior for POST and PATCH on email templates. Interestingly, in POST the template is still created despite the error code of 500, but "to": "Array"
is stored instead of the POSTed value. In a PATCH call, the existing value is overwritten with "Array"
despite also returning a 500.
Note that if you’re continuing to use 1.x this is not likely to be fixed once that version is deprecated.
Cool deal
I was hesitant to use v2 as it is still listed as “beta” but I will keep that in mind as I go
Thanks for the help
The official production release of DreamFactory 2.0 launched on Bitnami today: https://bitnami.com/stack/dreamfactory
If you’re not using Bitnami just pull the latest code with git and you’ll be there.