User getting 403 response when they shouldn't be

@juniorconte I noticed that in the documentation however I haven’t created an app. I created a service.

my confusion was two fold:

  1. I was sending request that were working fine with an admin session token without including an api key header. so that was inconsistent with the documentation.
  2. I created a service for a database not an ‘app’ it seems only app’s have api keys associated with them. So when I see the documentation say to include an api key I was unsure as to which key was to be included seeing as what I had created did not have an api key.
  3. When I looked at the description of the swagger app it says it “allows viewing and testing of api documentation”. I was looking to actually make api calls to my service externally. so reading that didn’t makes it clear it was relevant to my goals.

I will look in to your suggestion thank you very much. I now understand how to move forward.