Can't save object with nil foreign keys


It looks like with the upgrade to 1.7.8 the actual issue was fixed, as you shouldn’t be able to not have “allow null” checked and insert null values. So, although it may require you going back through your schema and changing these fields back, in the long run, it’s a better solution.

Also, be sure to do the /web/logout after you upgraded, this will update the schema/db if there is anything to update there.

We’re here to help you. Just know that. Also, as far as the memcache issue - send me an email - I’ll guide you through getting the pre-req packages installed for your linux machine.

Thanks man - hang in there, we’ll get everything taken care of. I’m about to reply to your email with a couple links that I’ve been looking at - I just need to be sure of your environment. It’s AWS running Ubuntu 12.04 or 14 - that’s my assumption, at least.

Be sure to respond, and I’ll get ya taken care of.


  • Mark