Azure blob storage

I’ve filled all the details for a new azure storage service in dreamfactory and when going to files tab, testing the azure connection, I get :
This is happening on 2.1.0 and DreamFactory Version: 2.1.1 .

            Windows Azure Blob Service Exception:

Code: 400
Value: The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct
details (if any): <?xml version="1.0"
value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.

I have tried with a new storage account on azure or a clasic storage account. I get the same output → the same critical error.

@formerstaff @sridharsa @dfjablan @aislam

I tracked the error within the azure management by the error id. The x-ms-version seems it is still supported, but it’s not working at all.

The x-ms-version header value ‘2011-08-18’ is not one of the supported version headers.