Bitnami 2.0 Instance Mongodb connections

I have trouble with Dreamfactory 2.0 Instance from Bitnami. It Installs mongodb during installation, I can see Mongod running, in command line I can connect to Mongo and do queries.
But unfortunately from DSP I’m not able push data to the database.
Below is the image from

From the shell

Few Things I had noticed in the Bitnami installer

  1. Standard Mongod start/stop command not working
  2. Even mongo shell commands was not working initially, only after modifying .bshrc it started working

Has anyone come across this issue ?

What version of DreamFactory are you running. The latest release is 2.0.1 (not beta.)
Prior to this release we had issue with the API Docs create records call definition, which has been resolved now.
Questions about Bitnami’s implementation of mongodb should be directed to their support.

Thanks @formerstaff
I have installed release 2.0.1. However I was not able to make mongodb work inside the bitnami contained.
I uninstalled it from there and did a fresh install of only Mongodb and it seemed to be working fine now.