Calling Mysql Sproc return no results


I have the following sp in mysql.

CREATE DEFINER=dreamfactory@% PROCEDURE sp_distance_from_clinic(IN service_id int, IN orig_lat float,IN orig_long float)

set @bounding_distance=1;

distinct(location_id), latitude, longitude,
((ACOS(SIN(@orig_lat * PI() / 180) * SIN(latitude * PI() / 180)
+ COS(@orig_lat * PI() / 180) *
COS(latitude * PI() / 180) *
COS((@orig_long - longitude)
* PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515)
AS distance
FROM filter_service
latitude BETWEEN (@orig_lat - @bounding_distance) AND (@orig_lat + @bounding_distance) AND service_id = service_id
AND longitude BETWEEN (@orig_long - @bounding_distance) AND (@orig_long + @bounding_distance) AND service_id = service_id
ORDER BY distance ASC
limit 20;

Can test that it’s working by calling

CALL dreamfactory.sp_distance_from_clinic(17, -37.869563,144.99604); in the datatabase

When I try to make the call vis the restul IO docs. Here’s my input body…

“params”: [
“name”: “service_id”,
“param_type”: “IN”,
“value”: 1
“name”: “orig_lat”,
“param_type”: “IN”,
“value”: -37.869563
“name”: “orig_long”,
“param_type”: “IN”,
“value”: 144.99604

I’m getting back a 200; but no data.

Fixed. Should not have been using “@” for params.

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