I’ve created a stored procedure with two parameters - a string and a bit.
Now when I Execute my GET API call, nothing is returned. if I remove the string and keep the bit, works perfectly.
DreamFactory Version: 2.14.0
MySQL DB version: 5.7.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
Example URL that doesn’t work:
I tried doing a POST transaction instead with the parameters and even from the POST transaction - still no results.
If I remove the ‘mytextvalue’ parameter, the sproc works.
http://df_server/api/v2/db_name/_proc/sproc_name(0) – works
If I remove the decimal parameter (i.e. there’s only one parameter that is a varchar) that works.
http://df_server/api/v2/db_name/_proc/sproc_name?mytextcolumn=0 – works
When I re-add the decimal parameter back in - returns no results.
http://df_server/api/v2/db_name/_proc/sproc_name?mytextcolumn=0&mybitcolumn=1 – does not work
When I create a second bit parameter also does not work:
http://df_server/api/v2/db_name/_proc/sproc_name?firstBit=0&secondBit=1 – does not work
*Update - this appears to work on Maria db 10.2.19-MariaDB-1:10.2.19+maria~bionic-log so it’s specific to older versions of MySQL.