Could not find a service for dreamfactory

I follow this doc to install DF vi GitHub on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using PostgreSQL, Nginx. All dependence are installed.

Seems the database is being populated with tables.

Then got all the way to seeing “Create a System Admin User”. After clicking the Create button, I get:

Could not find a service for dreamfactory

Inspecting the table I can see the user was indeed created in table “user”.

ufw is disabled.

In nginx log, I get:

FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: REST Exception #404 > Could not find a service for dreamfactory”

Is dreamfactory in the message representing a user with the name “dreamfactory”? The admin user I try to create is not “dreamfactory”.

In dreamfactory.log, I get:

[2019-06-20 13:52:03] local.INFO: [REQUEST] Storage {“Method”:“GET”,“Service”:“dreamfactory”,“Path”:“dist/index.html”}
[2019-06-20 13:52:03] local.INFO: [RESPONSE] {“Status Code”:404,“Content-Type”:“text/html”}

I’m totally new to DF, and what am I to do now?