Dear All DF Fans, version 3.0 is released with wings cut! Open source will be killed shortly!

Dear All DF Fans !

Have you guys seen that the DF team has moved two very popular features to their paid plan without making a formal announcement?

  1. MySQL service - The most popular database in the world. Now its needed to pay to use this service.

  2. Custom scripting - Without which you will not be able to write any pre & post scripts, which means you will not be able to customize anything on the open source version. This is now a paid solution.

Basically your DF which you loved is a bird which cannot fly unless you pay!

I feel hurt.

Not because its paid, but because of the lack of transparency and open-ness.

Firstly, If the company is releasing an open source version, they should at-least have a open mentality to inform their users about this major change.From last 3 months, there aren’t any company support on the community forum for any major bug fixes of any sort.

Secondly, the developers would not be able to use old code in new version 3.0 because of the complexity. In-fact the last major 2.14 release has major scripting bugs which makes it unusable too. The strangest thing is : no one in the forum from the company is replying!

Like many open source products we see in the market, this great product will lose its greatness just because they are slowly killing it.

I have been a great fan of this product, but unfortunately, they have just begun to kill it. Its a sad day today.

Comments ?


Yes, I felt the same, the Free version is useless without been able to connect with MySql, or having able to write Custom scripts, these are soul of DF you shouldn’t remove these features from free package at least how will user know what it is before buying?.. Very disappointed with the move…

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These guys should inform first that the things which are free in open source can be removed at any point of time without further notification.

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It’s funny that after less than a year my prediction was confirmed:

At that time I decided to move to Strapi and I’m really happy with the results


I got an update from official team -

"Hi @isreehari we are a very small team and other than a quick blog post haven’t even found the time to “officially” announce the release. You are correct though I will update the blog post to make very clear that MySQL and scripting has been removed. However I can assure you this has nothing to do with a lack of transparency. It is due to expenses and time.

Regarding the claim of major scripting bugs in 2.14, this is news to me. I’ve just double checked our JIRA issue tracker and can confirm we have not had a single report from users regarding 2.14 scripting bugs. As for the community forum, you are correct we do not actively police it simply because of the aforementioned time issue. However any other community user is of course free to help others out.

Please keep in mind that DreamFactory 3.0 is still an extraordinarily powerful solution, with a brand new interface, new installers, and many bugs fixed. And it’s all free for anybody to use. We certainly welcome contributions from the community as well, so by all means if you find a bug and would like to submit a fix, we welcome the pull request.

So many 2.14 bugs :

@Gabriel you are absolutely right. This is definitely not the spirit of Open Source. Why would you remove something already there? I feel its more of a marketing upgrade than a feature trying to remove popular features so that people would start paying.

@isreehari they claim its time issue, but its not, I have personally approached the team to put in dedicated developers out of my own pocket to fix bugs and upgrade. They have turned a blind eye. This was ONE year ago; They wouldn’t even reply.

2.14 has major issue when upgraded. They know it and they will not fix, neither reply.

Time & Expense to make a formal announcement ? Wow! What an excuse. I’m not surprised.

Until 3 months ago we were recommending DF to all our customers, many of which were planning on upgrades already, but I guess with the lack of transparency, silently removing features without letting users know and false statements, I would hardly recommend anyone to use it.

This smells like a typical example of misusing the open source concept for a commercial strategy. First be generous, iron out bugs, gather data and make your service indispensable to those that have invested their time and resources into it.

Next block a feature that renders the whole thing useless for the very same user-base. Unless you start paying of course…

Please note the fallacy in the reply: “DreamFactory 3.0 is still an extraordinarily powerful solution […]”. AS IF mysql is NOT the database that a vast majority of the open-source community depends on and uses…

They pulled the plug, nothing more, nothing less.


I hate this companies misusing the open source.
bye bye Dreamfactory.

Disappointing move. Misuse of Open Source. Won’t recommend Dreamfactory to anyone again. Had made tutorials on Youtube for Dreamfactory, Will take down. Goodbye !

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How can a company restrict an open source tool? Is the dreamfactory framework an open source tool or not? And if it is where is the community that continues the development?

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Unfortunately the open source is discontinued… no one to support… death of DF…