Dear DF,
The Telerik REST Report Service i want to achieve through the RWS.
Without DF the service works well.
With DF has returned 400 error code for this call Get Report Parameters.
Any suggestions?
I use DF 2.3.
Thanks Peter
Dear DF,
The Telerik REST Report Service i want to achieve through the RWS.
Without DF the service works well.
With DF has returned 400 error code for this call Get Report Parameters.
Any suggestions?
I use DF 2.3.
Thanks Peter
Please provide the service configuration so that the community can assist you.
I found out that the original request header and forwarded request header is different. (without any additional headers in RWS service config).
POST /api/v2/report/clients/234134-8f25/parameters HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 96
Accept: application/json
X-DreamFactory-Api-Key: 36fda24fe5588fa4285ac6c6c2fdfbdb6b6bc9834699774c9bf777f706d05a88
X-DreamFactory-Session-Token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOjEsInVzZXJfaWQiOjEsImVtYWlsIjoibXVsbGVyLnBldGVyQGdhbGx1cy5odSIsImZvcmV2ZXIiOmZhbHNlLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC8xMC4wLjAuMTYzOjgwODBcL2FwaVwvdjJcL3N5c3RlbVwvYWRtaW5cL3Nlc3Npb24iLCJpYXQiOjE0NzQ2NjY4NTUsImV4cCI6MTQ3NDY3MDQ1NSwibmJmIjoxNDc0NjY2ODU1LCJqdGkiOiI3YzliYWIxMGI3MDgwMTA2NTk1YTcwOGIyYTI2ZjA5MCJ9.6lZf1_7l8aFDFw-JKsHysu-V9FcqYE_RD844Bg9Qaow
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: hu-HU,hu;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4
Cookie: _ga=GA1.1.921189286.1474528094; comm100_session_210217=-100165; comm100_guid2_210217=09453cf95e264d72ac19998812bf3f3e
{“report”:“Havi kimutatas.trdp”,“parameterValues”:{“Ev”:“2016”,“Honap”:“9”,“Ceg”:“Test”}}
POST /report/api/reports/clients/234134-8f25/parameters HTTP/1.1
Accept: /
Content-Length: 96
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
{“report”:“Havi kimutatas.trdp”,“parameterValues”:{“Ev”:“2016”,“Honap”:“9”,“Ceg”:“Test”}}
With additional Content-Type: application / json header, it works except export and printing, because both cases file response.
Can be solved to the original request header copy to forwarded request header?
I tried to event script, but was the result of a bug (attached api def. file).