Failing to run pre-action scripts using Python code

#Hi there!
This is our first attempt at server-side scripts. We have trouble making pre-action scripts using Python-code.

##Instance settings

  • using docker image dreamfactorysoftware/df-docker:2.5.0
  • apt-get install python-pip (seems like this package was here already)
  • pip install bunch (seems like this package was here already for python 2.7)

##Tried to run code from to validate data in table

  • example-scripts/php/field_validation.php runs as expected
  • example-scripts/python/ seems to be ignored

##Other info

  • “active” checkbox is checked in the pre-script settings
  • Both Python 2.7 and 3.3 seems to be installed in the container.

Any ideas for what we do wrong?