Hello team, I keep getting MAC Invalid error. I simply followed the instructions given in the github page GitHub - dreamfactorysoftware/df-docker: Docker container for DreamFactory. under Installing the DreamFactory Docker Container topic.
- DId git clone and download df-docker
- Sudo docker-compose build
- Sudo docker-compose up -d
- Then verified that all 4 containers are running (made web and postgres exposed to host) and ports are working
- executed to sudo docker-compose exec web cat .env | grep APP_KEY
- Copied the key and pasted it on line 28 in dockerfile.
- Browsed the Admin portal
- When i click on API generation & Connections → API Types → Database it throws 500 error in the browser and when i checked the repose it is invalid MAC address.
I had registered my email earlier and i am using the same email ID. I am unable to change in mySQL database as the Connection field in sql_db_config is encrypted.
Please help me. Thanks a lot