Hi I have updated from 2.0.1 to 2.0.4 , the list of my services are ok, but if i go to create new service , the dropdown list of service types does not appear.
How do i fix it ?
[Wed Jan 27 17:27:32.255623 2016] [:error] [pid 15144:tid 1104] [client] REST Exception #500 > Failed to retrieve records from ‘UKPlanner.vw_myobtasksforalerts’.\nSQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘ref_service_id’ in ‘where clause’ (SQL: select * from db_field_extras
where ref_service_id
= 9 and ref_table
= UKPlanner.vw_myobtasksforalerts), referer:
This i am now getting from the client web app
Hi @tony_gilpin,
Its seems that the database was not updated correctly.
You followed this guide? https://wiki.dreamfactory.com/DreamFactory/Installation#Upgrade
Try again, start at the the line $ …/…/…/php/bin/php artisan migrate --seed and continue to the end.
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Have fixed the problem , appears that my php was not in the environment variables path.
I now have another problem, this was working prior to the upgrade , it’s to do with dates.

What has changed on how we filter for dates, and why is it giving this message now ?
Hi Drew
I have this now
(startdate >= 2016-01-23) AND (startdate <=2016-02-02)
Which works fine but if i use this
(startdate >= 2016-01-23) AND (startdate <=2016-02-02) AND (ClientCode <> ‘’)
I get an error
"message": “Failed to retrieve records from ‘UKPlanner.vw_myobtasksforalerts’.\nDateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (2016-02-02) AND (ClientCode <> ‘’) at position 10 ()): Unexpected character”,
“code”: 500,
What needs to be changed ?
Hi Drew
Seems to be working now must be a typo somewhere,
But good to be aware of parenthesises
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