Oh I see.
These properties are editable by the system/user endpoint.
If you’re creating a new user it’s a POST to system/user
If editing an existing user it’s a PATCH to system/user/{user id}
Here are all of the possible payload keys, including relationships
UserResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), first_name (string, optional), last_name (string, optional), last_login_date (datetime, optional), email (string), password (text, optional), is_sys_admin (boolean, optional), is_active (boolean, optional), phone (string, optional), security_question (string, optional), security_answer (text, optional), confirm_code (string, optional), default_app_id (integer, optional), remember_token (string, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional), oauth_provider (string, optional), adldap (string, optional), app_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedAppResponse], optional): Zero or more App records that are potentially linked to this record directly, role_by_app (array[RelatedRoleResponse], optional): Zero or more Role records that are potentially linked to this record via the App table., service_by_app (array[RelatedServiceResponse], optional): Zero or more Service records that are potentially linked to this record via the App table., app_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedAppResponse], optional): Zero or more App records that are potentially linked to this record directly, app_group_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedAppGroupResponse], optional): Zero or more AppGroup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, app_group_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedAppGroupResponse], optional): Zero or more AppGroup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, app_lookup_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedAppLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more AppLookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, app_by_app_lookup (array[RelatedAppResponse], optional): Zero or more App records that are potentially linked to this record via the AppLookup table., app_lookup_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedAppLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more AppLookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, cors_config_by_last_modified_by_id (undefined, optional), cors_config_by_created_by_id (undefined, optional), db_field_extras_by_last_modified_by_id (undefined, optional), service_by_db_field_extras (array[RelatedServiceResponse], optional): Zero or more Service records that are potentially linked to this record via the db_field_extras table., db_field_extras_by_created_by_id (undefined, optional), db_relationship_extras_by_last_modified_by_id (undefined, optional), service_by_db_relationship_extras (array[RelatedServiceResponse], optional): Zero or more Service records that are potentially linked to this record via the db_relationship_extras table., db_relationship_extras_by_created_by_id (undefined, optional), db_table_extras_by_last_modified_by_id (undefined, optional), service_by_db_table_extras (array[RelatedServiceResponse], optional): Zero or more Service records that are potentially linked to this record via the db_table_extras table., db_table_extras_by_created_by_id (undefined, optional), email_template_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedEmailTemplateResponse], optional): Zero or more EmailTemplate records that are potentially linked to this record directly, email_template_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedEmailTemplateResponse], optional): Zero or more EmailTemplate records that are potentially linked to this record directly, event_script_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedEventScriptResponse], optional): Zero or more EventScript records that are potentially linked to this record directly, script_type_by_event_script (array[RelatedScriptTypeResponse], optional): Zero or more ScriptType records that are potentially linked to this record via the EventScript table., event_script_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedEventScriptResponse], optional): Zero or more EventScript records that are potentially linked to this record directly, event_subscriber_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedEventSubscriberResponse], optional): Zero or more EventSubscriber records that are potentially linked to this record directly, event_subscriber_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedEventSubscriberResponse], optional): Zero or more EventSubscriber records that are potentially linked to this record directly, role_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedRoleResponse], optional): Zero or more Role records that are potentially linked to this record directly, role_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedRoleResponse], optional): Zero or more Role records that are potentially linked to this record directly, role_lookup_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedRoleLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more RoleLookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, role_by_role_lookup (array[RelatedRoleResponse], optional): Zero or more Role records that are potentially linked to this record via the RoleLookup table., role_lookup_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedRoleLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more RoleLookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, role_service_access_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedRoleServiceAccessResponse], optional): Zero or more RoleServiceAccess records that are potentially linked to this record directly, service_by_role_service_access (array[RelatedServiceResponse], optional): Zero or more Service records that are potentially linked to this record via the RoleServiceAccess table., role_by_role_service_access (array[RelatedRoleResponse], optional): Zero or more Role records that are potentially linked to this record via the RoleServiceAccess table., role_service_access_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedRoleServiceAccessResponse], optional): Zero or more RoleServiceAccess records that are potentially linked to this record directly, service_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedServiceResponse], optional): Zero or more Service records that are potentially linked to this record directly, service_type_by_service (array[RelatedServiceTypeResponse], optional): Zero or more ServiceType records that are potentially linked to this record via the Service table., service_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedServiceResponse], optional): Zero or more Service records that are potentially linked to this record directly, system_config_by_last_modified_by_id (undefined, optional), system_config_by_created_by_id (undefined, optional), system_custom_by_last_modified_by_id (undefined, optional), system_custom_by_created_by_id (undefined, optional), system_lookup_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more Lookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, system_lookup_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more Lookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, system_setting_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedSettingResponse], optional): Zero or more Setting records that are potentially linked to this record directly, system_setting_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedSettingResponse], optional): Zero or more Setting records that are potentially linked to this record directly, token_map_by_user_id (undefined, optional), user_by_last_modified_by_id (RelatedUserResponse, optional): A single User record that this record potentially belongs to., user_by_created_by_id (RelatedUserResponse, optional): A single User record that this record potentially belongs to., user_custom_by_last_modified_by_id (undefined, optional), user_custom_by_created_by_id (undefined, optional), user_custom_by_user_id (undefined, optional), user_lookup_by_last_modified_by_id (array[RelatedUserLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more UserLookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, user_lookup_by_created_by_id (array[RelatedUserLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more UserLookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, user_lookup_by_user_id (array[RelatedUserLookupResponse], optional): Zero or more UserLookup records that are potentially linked to this record directly, user_to_app_to_role_by_user_id (array[RelatedUserAppRoleResponse], optional): Zero or more UserAppRole records that are potentially linked to this record directly, role_by_user_to_app_to_role (array[RelatedRoleResponse], optional): Zero or more Role records that are potentially linked to this record via the UserAppRole table., app_by_user_to_app_to_role (array[RelatedAppResponse], optional): Zero or more App records that are potentially linked to this record via the UserAppRole table. } RelatedAppResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), api_key (string, optional), description (string, optional), is_active (boolean, optional), type (integer, optional), path (text, optional), url (text, optional), storage_service_id (reference, optional), storage_container (string, optional), requires_fullscreen (boolean, optional), allow_fullscreen_toggle (boolean, optional), toggle_location (string, optional), role_id (reference, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedRoleResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), description (string, optional), is_active (boolean, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedServiceResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), label (string), description (string, optional), is_active (boolean, optional), type (string), mutable (boolean, optional), deletable (boolean, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedAppGroupResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), description (string, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedEmailTemplateResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), description (string, optional), to (text, optional), cc (text, optional), bcc (text, optional), subject (string, optional), body_text (text, optional), body_html (text, optional), from_name (string, optional), from_email (string, optional), reply_to_name (string, optional), reply_to_email (string, optional), defaults (text, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedEventScriptResponse { name (string), type (string), is_active (boolean, optional), affects_process (boolean, optional), content (text, optional), config (text, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedScriptTypeResponse { name (string), class_name (string), label (string), description (string, optional), sandboxed (boolean, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime) } RelatedServiceTypeResponse { name (string), class_name (string), config_handler (string, optional), label (string), description (string, optional), group (string, optional), singleton (boolean, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime) } RelatedLookupResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), value (text, optional), private (boolean, optional), description (text, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedSettingResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), value (text, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional) } RelatedUserResponse { id (id, optional), name (string), first_name (string, optional), last_name (string, optional), last_login_date (datetime, optional), email (string), password (text, optional), is_sys_admin (boolean, optional), is_active (boolean, optional), phone (string, optional), security_question (string, optional), security_answer (text, optional), confirm_code (string, optional), default_app_id (integer, optional), remember_token (string, optional), created_date (datetime), last_modified_date (datetime), created_by_id (reference, optional), last_modified_by_id (reference, optional), oauth_provider (string, optional), adldap (string, optional) }
If you look at the system/user endpoint in API Docs, you should see the model there, but it won’t include the relationship data. This relationship data was inadvertently removed when Swagger 2.0 was implemented. I have asked the engineering team to add this info back to the API Docs.