Services Missing After Point to System AWS RDS instance


I have a Bitnami DF running

Admin Application Version: 2.1.3
DreamFactory Version: 2.1.0

I configure DF to point to an RDS MYSQL instance for running DF.

The issue I’m having is my Services don’t show up. Just in case, I ran the following in case something was corrupted during the sql backup.

php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan cache:clear restart

I’m able to log in and see my apps, roles, but can’t see any services. I’m also getting bumped out when I click on API Docs.

I can query the RDS DB and can see that my services are in there.

Here’s the error log
[Thu Feb 25 01:34:52.423992 2016] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 12057:tid 140568331855616] [client ip:40903] AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: REST Exception #404 > Could not find a service for dreamfactory\n’, re
ferer: http://ec2/dreamfactory/dist/index.html