Followed the Blog for adding a REST API to DB2 databases, and receive error API Error - Failed to launch service “tsample” which is the DB2 Sample database. Dream Factory is on my Windows 7 workstation and I also have the DB2 Data Client installed on it. Created an ODBC DSN also, and still receive the same error message.
Are there any specifics for DB2 9.5 LUW working DreamFactory 1.8.2?
Thank you!
Dave McNight
Hey Dave, we’ll need to take a look. Any other error messages?
Go ahead and shoot an email to so they can kick off a support ticket.
First thing we’ll want to check is the logs. If you used Bitnami to install in Win7, you should find the logs (named web.*.log) in [install directory]\dreamfactory1.8.2-1\apps\dreamfactory\htdocs\log\
I submitted the log file to DF support yesterday. Was wondering if any DB2 ODBC driver files must be made available in some directory or folder within Dream Factory to resolve the connectivity error?
Since my DF instance is on Windows 7,do I need to add any ports/instances to a Windows service file?
FWIW, I reviewed the DB2 DB Configuration Manager setttings on the reomote db server:
DB Manager Authentication = SERVER
Trust All Clents = YES
Trusted Client Auth = CLIENT
Bypass Federated Auth = NO
SVCEName = db2c_db2inst1 ( port 50000)
Appreciate any help or suggestions to try!
Thank you!
Dave McNight
In reviewing a similar issue for SQL Server, I noticed that it was recommended to copy the ODBC driver dlls into the dreamfactory-1.8.2-1\php\ext folder. So I thought to try similar concept for the DB2 ODBC drivers. Copied in db2odbc.dll and db2cli.dll into the php\ext folder.
Stopped and restarted Dream Factory.
Dropped the DB2 service previously created.
Recreated new DB2 REST API service
And tested again, still error 500
Here is the output from the Error log:
[2015-01-09 07:35:24][app][ERROR ] REST Exception #500 > Failed to launch service “dmtest”: CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection. {“host”:“localhost”,“request_uri”:"/rest/dmtest?as_access_components=true",“source_ip”:“”,“sapi_name”:“apache2handler”}
[2015-01-09 07:35:24][app][ERROR ] could not find driver
Do I need to update some PATHS in Windows 7 to help software discover the driver?
Thank you your help!
Dave McNight
Solution was to Enable ‘PDO_IBM’ module in the ‘/opt/bitnami/php/etc/php.ini’, adding the following line:
Then stopped and restarted the DF servers.
Thank you Dream Factory support!
Dave McNight
Thanks for reporting back with details, @dmcnight–I know the community appreciates it.