Bitnami windows instalar on windows 10 x 64 (dream factory beta 2.0)

error installing dream factory 2.0 beta (bitnami installer) on windows 10x64

I have seen this problem recently. There appears to be a problem with this build (2.0 Beta 2) from Bitnami. Even though it asks your what port to use for mysql, it still uses the default port. So if you have something running on the default mysql port (3306), such as another Bitnami stack or your own instance of mysql, the installer fails trying to seed the database.

Proposed Fixes:

To run the installer with no hiccups

  • Shutdown all applications that could be bound to port 3306 (other Bitnami Stacks, MySQL, etc.)
  • Uninstall said applications
  • Reboot the machine
  • Re-run the installer using the default mysql port. If it tells you that something else is bound to that port, you need to back up and run the previous steps again.

I believe there is also a way to manually fix this (so that you don’t have to uninstall other builds.) I will have to check with our engineering team and then post back here.

Just following up. There is NOT a good manual fix for this, however the issue should be resolved in the next Bitnami release.

beta-3 is now available from Bitnami

there is an error when installing on windows 10 x64 with mysql already installed

Has there been any response from Bitnami support on this? We may be able to contact them directly with this issue and get a faster response than you. We just need exact steps to replicate the issue, including how you installed your original MySQL and on what port, and all config and port information you input in the Bitnami installer.

sorry for the late response, well the original mysql is installed using the all in one installer from Mysql on port 3306, beside that I just run the bitnami installer and change the port in the wizard form 3306 to 3307 and I got the error that I showed you on the screenshot

Just to confirm, you used this installer:

I will work to replicate using that installer and then a Bitnami installer in Windows 8.1.

I just downloaded the stack from Bitnami, bitnami-dreamfactory-2.0.1-1-windows-installer.exe and also had MySql installed, same distribution as @Jose_Manuel_Ojeda , but got slightly different error (On Windows 7, Enterprise N, Service Pack 1) See my other postings for exact message, but it was unable to execute the artisan migration.

Hi @JayDee I do have a work around for that. first uninstall mysql, the install dream factory with the bitnami installer, then re install mysql, just make sure you have different ports for each instance of mysql because dream factory will install an instance on 3306.

here is a tutorial I create for my employees that were having the same problem that you are having.