Cannot write/upload contnet to server script

after creating server script its not saving content to script
and when i look at the console I am getting "Cannot set property ‘content’ of null"
any idea if this is known issue ?

ok resloved it
while creating service make sure you don’t save it before adding some config in config tab
just add some dummy code you can edit it later. if you create script service without adding any config you will get " Cannot set property ‘content’ of null " and you wont be able to edit it later.

I think Dreamfactory should add this to wiki or update UI.

hope this help.

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Thanks so much for sharing your solution and for your feedback!


Hey @AlexBowen I’ve got an update for you.

That is a bug that is in process of being resolved. We agree that you shouldn’t have to do that convoluted process.

I believe the new workflow will be that it will either not let you save it (therefore preventing the “can’t edit it later” issue) or you should be able to save a blank script and come back and edit later.

Thank you!