DF fails on a local network, if internet connection goes away

Here’s a (big) problem, if you want to install DF 1.6.10 on a local network (or intranet).

If you put DF on your local network and the internet connection goes down, the stack stops working all together, since it relies on assets located on other CDNs. While that could be a good idea to save resources, it has (at least) one big drawback: if there’s a problem with the connection to one of these CDNs (be it a problem on the backbone or simply a minor network problem) you can’t continue working. Also it’s impossible to use DF on a closed intranet.

IMO, there should be a fallback for any online-resource, so the stack can work locally as well, if the internet connection is down.

CDNs involved:


OK - this seems to be related to my own topic :wink:

But for me, this one is more serious (it also disallows me to work on apps while on a plane, or something).

We’re providing a no-cdn version of index.html in an update this week and downloading those libs to the web/vendor/ directory.

Hi Jason,
thanks for the quick reply and the good news! I was just about creating a bunch of vHosts to be able to work offline.

Do you think you could provide the .html until thursday evening? (I’m travelling over the weekend and it would be great to be able to work with DF when offline).



I’ll get you a zip file of everything here shortly, not a problem.

Great! I love you :wink:

HA! Here you go, pull index from admin and launchpad folders, replace web/vendor with vendor.

If I missed one let me know, but this is my working copy.

I’ll try that tonight and let you know what happened :wink:

BTW: Wouldn’t it be cool to put those links into a config JSON? So I could point these to the same files as in other components/applications on DF (and thus make sure no un-necessary files are loaded?)

I believe you can store those already in a config “extras” object, I’ll look into that.

How does this procedure play out for subsequent upgrades of dreamfactory? Will the web/vendor folder at this URL always work?

We moved these to web/static a while ago. That will always be the location now and going forward.

For instance :

<link href="/static/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">