DF2: Local MySQL DB service missing


Just starting with DF2, tried a bit with DF1.6 a while ago, but not familiar with the DF very deeply.
But since 2.0 beta looks quite promising, I’ll bootstrap my new idea with this and angular js.

My DF1 installation shows db Service for local db, but on 2.0 (df-docker) its not there and I tried to create it (SQL DB), MySQL driver. Should the API be autogenerated if the connection to mysql is ok?

It seems it fails to connect using connection string, at least at the Schema it does not show any tables there.

Any ideas? Have used the same settings to mysql as .env showed too.

Edit: just saw it in console.log

{"error":{"context":null,"message":"Failed to connect to database.\nConnection failed to open the DB connection: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)","code":500,"trace":

Edit2: I inspected the dfdocker_web_1 and added its hostname to the db connection string, then I see every tables from df, which tells me sql access is working.
Well, “create table” does not work as it throws

http://dreamfactory.app/api/v2/undefined Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

This seems to be a bug, I think. Upload JSON does work (tried that todo app json), therefore this question itself is somehow resolved. Probably you want to add the bug and feature request (add local db service + schema).

Thanks, Markus