Setting up a secure proxy connection to a NoSQL database is straightforward.
If you need to see some setup examples, check out these blog resources:
- NoSQL, No Problem!
- NoSQL, No Problem! - Operation Specifics
- NoSQL, No Problem! - MongoDB Specifics
- Source Code for a Simple To Do List with MongoDB
- DreamFactory Now Supports MongoHQ
- DynamoDB App Tutorial with the DreamFactory SDK
- Tutorial: DreamFactory Essentials for AWS - Create a Mobile Backend in Minutes with Bitnami
There are also a few screencasts related to NoSQL:
- Build a RESTful To Do List App with MongoDB
- Build a RESTful To Do List App with Amazon DynamoDB
- Install DreamFactory on AWS and Create a REST API for S3 and DynamoDB
If you need to dig into the details of how NoSQL works with DreamFactory, take a look at the Database Services page on the DreamFactory Wiki.