Hello all,
I’ m trying http verb tunneling for applying filters for a GET request. BUT it’s not working. I have tried various combinations but it is not working as per docs.
In API docs, too it is not working:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v2/system/user
with following headers:
Content-Type: application/json
X-DreamFactory-Api-Key: 4653....7c1690f47d
X-DreamFactory-Session-Token: eyNTE4LCJuY....mYiOjE0ODQ0NTA5MT
X-HTTP-Method: GET
payload = {
"filter": "email IN (gef@yahoo.com, abc@gmail.com)"
payload = {
"filter": "id IN (7, 9)"
payload = {
"filter": "email = gef@yahoo.com"
payload = {
"filter": "id = 7"
Nothing works. It seems that “filter” option in payload is being ignored by DSP.
My DSP version is 2.4.1-2, though I also tested it in 2.3.1-0, but it is not working.
When I’m specifying filter in url, it is working fine. For example below request with same headers, returns records after applying filters properly:
This works as expected.
But ‘filter’ option when specified in payload is not working. It seems I’m missing something, but couldn’t get what it is.
Any clues?