How to connect MS SQL

Hi everyone, I’m really new with DreamFactory. But I want to make an small API.

  1. I have db on MS SQL,
  2. I put the DB on Azure.
  3. Connect to DreamFactory.
  4. Create a role.
  5. Test API Doc, and work fine I get access to tables, records etc.
  6. Download JSON files from SERVICE DOC.
  7. Import JSON file on Swagger Editor local. Showing errors. (Swagger local show a lot of error, Swagger Cloud show 6 errros).
  8. Generate Server Side Scripts for Node.JS.
  9. Uncompress scripts generated and install Connect Framework.
  10. Combine both directories.
  11. NPM Install.
  12. Node index.js

Where I put the db settings?
How can I fix theses 130 errors?

This is the console log:
D:\dev\api>node index.js

API Errors:

#/paths/~1_func~1{function_name}/post/parameters/1: Not a valid parameter definition
#/paths/~1_func~1{function_name}/post/parameters/1: Not a valid parameter definition
#: Missing required property: schema
#: Missing required property: type
#/paths/~1_func~1{function_name}/post/parameters/1: Missing required property: $ref
#/paths/~1_func~1{function_name}/post/parameters/0: Not a valid parameter definition
#/paths/~1_func~1{function_name}/post/parameters/0: Not a valid parameter definition
#: Missing required property: schema
#: Missing required property: type
Cut the log here.

138 errors and 0 warnings

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Hi Jose.

Were you able to solve this issue? To get started with connecting MYSQL with DreamFactory, refer this short video -

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help