Hi everyone,
congratulations to the development team, this looks like a very good platform, so far so good.
A couple of questions:
1-Is there an article somewhere that explains how to best secure DreamFactory. What are the best practices ? … let me be more precise. After the installation of DF , it listens on the default port and accepts all incoming connections from the outside (I haven’t changed any firewall setting and it’s the default DF installation). I assume that is not a good practice, to have the DF server open on the internet and anyone can try and login to DF from the internet ? How would setup a typical DF architecture where mobile Apps are going to connect to DF APIs but how to hide the admin portal.
2-I’ve installed DF with MySQL. is it recommended to create my app data tables on a separate MySQL database or is it ok to create them on the same database as the DF schema?
Many thanks JPS for the comprehensive answer.
A lot to consider indeed…
Perhaps as a suggestion to the DF development team. It would be good to add to the documentation a guide on how to accomplish that and secure a DF instance.
thanks again.