SQL Server Services error: Required extension or module 'sqlsrv' is not installed or loaded on Bitnami 2.1.0-4

Hi, I’ve the problem in topic title when I make a new Services SQL Server in DreamFactory with Bitnami 2.1.0-4.
I’ve learn all tutorials ad other similar topics in this forum, but the problem is not resolving.
I’ve downloaded the official Drivers SQL Server for PHP from the official site and I’ve updated php.ini with new extensions and copied sql server dll in ext directory.
How you help me? thanks for your answer.

@flcarmelo I’m not sure I’m following exactly. Can you provide an error message?

This is the error when confirm to create Service SQL Server.
Required extension or module ‘sqlsrv’ is not installed or loaded


@flcarmelo did you restart the server post installation?