'sqlsrv' is not installed or loaded

I have used bitnami-dreamfactory-2.0.4-0-windows-installer and continue to pump my head against the “Required extension or module ‘sqlsrv’ is not installed or loaded.” error.

I have combed through this particular post in hopes of finding a solution to the issue and have had no success.

I have used the msodbcsql.msi, SQLSRV30.exe, as well as moved php_pdo_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll and php_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll into …php\ext location and added “extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll” and “extension=php_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll” into php.ini.

Nothing is working for me. Any help would be deeply appreciated.

This is a known issue.
Check out the discussion from Unable to using OCI8 Oracle connection - (Bitnami Windows Installer) for work around.

This issue affects both the oracle and sql driver.

Thank you for the reply. Is there a link to the Dreamfactory 2.0.2 installer? I’ve only been able to find this.

2.0.2 download: https://bitnami.com/redirect/to/84004/bitnami-dreamfactory-2.0.2-0-windows-installer.exe?bypassauth=false&fb=1&with_popup_skip_signin=1
Git Bash: https://git-scm.com/downloads

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Thank you for your help!

If I need V8JS scipting this will not work for me. Is there an ETA on a fix for this?

V8 is available in the latest Bitnami images, including Windows.


@Mike_Harvey adding on to what Todd said, the latest Bitnami release has resolved the issue with PHP compilation (so sqlsrv and oci8 will work now,) AND it has V8. So basically, everything is back to normal =)

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User error, disregard.

Thank the dev team for their work.

Yes, thanks. Been working since I pulled the github 2.1 update.