Hey everyone, giving up on trying to solve this one.
I have a Ubuntu server (not windows), and when trying to run a V8JS script and including lodash.min.js I am given this error: “The module ‘lodash’ could not be found in any known locations.”
Any ideas for what to do with this error in a Ubuntu instance?
Server: Ubuntu
DreamFactory: 2.0.1
//from Dreamfactory.log
production.DEBUG: * no “require()” support in V8 library v3.14.5.9
V8JS libraries are not prepackaged with DreamFactory. It is an add-on that you can install. These commands are what I use to get V8 on my setup (albeit old versions):
I thought I had done these steps but went through them once more to verify. v8js was enabled and installed, but I’m still receiving * no “require()” support in V8 library v3.14.5.9 in the logs (with no evidence of the v8js script firing).
OKAY this is very helpful! Thanks to Drew’s point, I went out and attempted to install version 0.3+ of v8js.
Unfortunately, using pecl install on Ubuntu to install anything later than 0.1.3 results in an error message saying a newer version of libv8 needs to be installed. I struggled for a bit until I came upon this post: