Adjusting timezone in a bitnami Dreamfactory stack

3 quick questions about localization:

Wouldn’t it make sense to put a timezone-setting into the DSP? Or in the bitnami-installer?

Is the only place to modify regional settings in ‘php.ini’?

Is localization of the DSP on the roadmap?

Hi Andy,

Answers below…I need to confirm with the team on number two.

Wouldn’t it make sense to put a timezone-setting into the DSP? Or in the bitnami-installer?

Can you tell me more? What’s your use case for time zone setting?

Is the only place to modify regional settings in ‘php.ini’?

I think so, need to confirm.

Is localization of the DSP on the roadmap?

Yes. What features are most important for your use cases?

Hi Ben,

Well, when I launch the DSP ‘as is’, the timezone is set to date.timezone = “America/Los_Angeles” which is not where I am ;). That means all my logs and database timestamps are wrong, which makes it very hard to sync/compare from the front-end.

  • To have the menus/messages, etc… in my own language.
  • To have language/timezone/currency/temperature settings set to my user’s location/language.


Is the only place to modify regional settings in ‘php.ini’?

You should also be able to set regional settings in your app with the ini_set function. Let me know if you see that…Lee is back Monday and can get you more info.

Thanks, that’s helpful. As mentioned, localization is on the roadmap so stay tuned.