Using a MacBook Pro to host Vagrant. I have no trouble getting an Nginx Web server to work well if I provision the box with it so I’m sure the port mapping to the Mac in the Vagrantfile is fine. However, since DF2 also includes Nginx I don’t provision with it when installing DF2. Nothing else has been installed in the box so very clean.
The install inside a Vagrant box went well, no errors.
I checked the ports in Ubuntu and Apache is serving on 8080, as is MySQL / MariaDB and MongoDB. Somewhere there should be an Apache Web page. In Vagrantfile: “forwarded_port”, host: 8080, guest: 8080.
My Mac browser, Chrome, is: localhost:8080 but nothing is loaded. Same with Safari.
I’ve checked the Apache httpd.conf and all seems well. ServerRoot “/home/ubuntu/df2/apache2”
In desperation I’ve tweaked the URL such as localhost/df2:8080 and with and without :8080 but no help.
Any clue how to get a browser on my Mac to show the DF2 admin view?