We will be bringing the below features to our community during our next sprint. Expect these by end of November!
API fixes and enhancements
- Add Azure DocumentDB REST API
- Add Couchbase REST API
- Add support for Oracle packages
- Add new system/log REST API for logging
- Support for one-to-many relationships with virtual foreign keys
- Add server-side filtering support for NoSQL
- Add support for MongoDB’s GridFS
- Add native support for Cassandra limits and offsets
- Extend POST calls with related fields for composite keys
- Automatically create/update parent record when posting parent-child records together
- Support upsert as a configurable option
- Role access needs to accommodate new method of calling stored procedures with GET
- For SQL Server, support using expressions on POST if field is primary key
- Create a method for URL encoding on demand
- Add enhancements to user group to app to role relationships for Active Directory
- Fix issues with using virtual foreign keys with views
- Fix issues with using aggregate functions with virtual fields in Postgres
- Fix issue with nested data getting dropped when accept header is XML
- Fix issues with AWS SNS APIs (see https://github.com/dreamfactorysoftware/dreamfactory/issues/103)
- API should not allow calling multiple user lookups with the same name
Installation and packaging enhancements
- Make installation packages more dynamically installable
- Support schema merge when importing a package
- Fix issue with export package timeout when AWS S3 service enabled
UI fixes and enhancements
- Add email confirmation option when creating a new Admin user
- Improve usability of enabling/disabling open registration email confirmation
- In Schema UI, show virtual foreign key relationships visible from child relationship context
- Remove 20 user export limitation in Export Package UI
- Fix Schema UI issue with virtual foreign keys not getting correctly created
- Fix API docs to accommodate browser password managers
- Fix issue with display of incorrect file dates
- Fix issue with services not being displayed in UI after importing a package file
- Fix issue with database services not being displayed in UI after refreshing browser in the Data tab
- In role access config, admin app should not call remote web services and scripts
- CORS config should allow duplicate values in paths, headers, and max age