Swagger definition error - Could not resolve reference


I am new in Dream Factory community and I juste install Bitnami windows version locally in order to try it.
I am interessed into creating Remote Services API and I try to put a swagger definition getting the Swagger example from https://editor.swagger.io/ because my swagger definition has the same error.

Here the errors :

I saw that there is some problem with Swagger editor, bet before I used WSO2 with references defined into the swagger definition without obtaing this error.

Can someone tell me what can be the problem ?

Thanks a lot

This looks like you tried to use a Swagger 2 definition. In DreamFactory 2.10 we changed to version 3 of the Open API Spec (formerly called Swagger spec,) as notated here: https://wiki.dreamfactory.com/DreamFactory/Release_Notes#Version_2.10.0_.28Released_November_6.2C_2017.29

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Thanks, this was very helpful for me !

Juste I would ask you if the Swagger version used in dream factory support the references for parameters.
I create a parameter refereneces for the header of my web services and I got the following erroro:

Resolver error at paths./list.post.parameters.0.$ref
Could not resolve reference because of: Could not resolve pointer: /components/parameters/apiKeyParam does not exist in document

Swagger errors can arise from a variety of situations. The most notable error would be due to the use of an incorrect Swagger specification. The DreamFactory 2.10 release updated Swagger support to accommodate version 3 (also, Swagger was renamed to Open API with the version 3 release). Therefore if you’re still running a DreamFactory version older than 2.10, you’ll need to use a Swagger 2.X-compatible specification. If you’re running 2.10 or newer, then you’ll need to use an Open API 3.X-compatible spec.

Another commonplace issue is an invalid specification. You can validate your Open API document using https://validator.swagger.io/. If you’re writing a specification, we suggest using a tool such as Spotlight Studio.