Getting Started and Discussions!

Hey folks, welcome to the DreamFactory Community Forum!

DreamFactory helps you turn any database into an API Platform. We are an open source REST API Platform for mobile, web and IoT applications. Hook up any SQL or NoSQL database, file storage system, or external service and DreamFactory instantly generates a flexible, comprehensive, and fully documented REST API endpoint that’s ready to use. Focus on building your applications, not hand-coding APIs for every new development project.

We provide Instant API creation. Learn more about our features here. For production app deployments with DreamFactory, you might want to purchase a monthly support plan. Learn more about packages and offerings here.

This is a great place to **keep a pulse of what's going on** in this Community and with DreamFactory.

If you’re new here and don’t know where to start - you’ve come to the right place. If you’re an “old timer” and are looking for ways to share your insights, stories and knowledge - again, welcome. If you can’t find an answer to your question, just ask. Don’t be shy :smile:.


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